Our Place GRANGE PARISH in South East County Limerick Ireland

Text from Front Flap of Dust Cover
The eighty plus articles that make up this book will whisk the reader away on a fascinating and memorable historical and contemporary tour of a small rural locality in South East County Limerick - of its places, people and events.
Endowed with natural beauty and of huge historical and archaeological importance, Grange was and continues to be the birthplace of illustrious personalities of national and international standing.
Grange punches above its weight!
Grange Parish published its first book on 25th November, 2015. The launch took place at Jack Clancy's Pub/Restaurant in Bruff and was attended by around three hundred people. The international rugby referee, George Clancy , a native of Grange, performed the official opening ceremony, after which a great evening was had by all, and a big number of copies were sold.
The book was the product of fifteen months of hard work by the book committee and around one hundred contributors.
The committee comprised of Miriam Gallagher, Chairperson; Michael Weekes; Tommy O'Connell; Patrick (Pa) O'Connell; Mary Kate Gallagher, Co-editor and Tommy Hourigan, Co-editor. Alice Brennan was a wonderful book designer and graphic artist. Declan Hehir contributed marvellous photography.
The image opposite depicts the colourful and attractive dust cover as well as the splendid write-up in The Limerick Leader, extolling the virtues of the book. The dust cover of the limited edition hard-back book is likely to become a collector's item in due course. Of course, many people with Grange connections will wish to preserve a copy of the book for the information and enjoyment of future generations.
The book extending to some 700 pages contains more than 80 articles and hundreds of images, including more than 30 pages of coloured imagery.
Text from the Back of the Dust Cover
A RICH TAPESTRY of subject matter awaits you within these pages. Read about the local fight for Irish Independence and those who gave up their lives; the former great houses and landlord families of the area; schooling; religion; bishops; sport and sporting legends; experiences of top-flight international rugby referee, George Clancy; great personalities; well-known families; recollections of growing up in the locality; folklore; archaeology; local groups; creameries and much, much more.
Permit yourself to be transported from one extremity of the parish to the other and to all points in between. Meet the renowned partnership of the the great Major Ged O'Dwyer and his magnificent show-jumper, Limerick Lace. Imagine sparks flying at the forge and breathe in the unique odour of hot iron on horse hoof; listen to the iron wheels of a hay-float on the road; encounter stubborn asses at the creamery; meet John the Baptist in Missouri; test poteen for impurities; meet the Purcell relatives from the USA and UK; and, of course, acquaint or re-acquaint yourself with many, many Grange people.
Gaze upon a large selection of photos of historical and contemporary interest - recall people and events that you may have long forgotten, Enjoy your journey!
Vignettes from the Book's Dust Cover
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