Our Place GRANGE PARISH in South East County Limerick Ireland
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These Grange Book articles are about farming in the past, creameries and veterinary practice in the past and present.
Great insights are provided by Austin Cregan, Tom Casey and Austin Shinnors into labour intensive methods of farming in the past, prior to the advent of the tractor and mechanised farm machinery, when the work horse, horse-drawn machinery and the farm labourer were so important to farm operation. Similarly, contrast is drawn between the travelling creamery and the creameries that were built around the country. Tullybrackey Creamery, Grange Creamery and Greybridge Creamery are mentioned. Veterinary practice is much different now compared with half a century ago. Disease prevalence has changed dramatically and the challenges facing the veterinary surgeon are much different now. Two generations of Shinnors family veterinary surgeons are charted.