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Other Articles IN THE GRANGE BOOK (10)

These Grange Book articles do not fall within any of the other article categories - hence, they are grouped here together. A number of these are book end matter. One of these, Can You Recall, is actually a quiz designed to test the extent to which you acquired knowledge as you read the book. Please take the test, it is merely a little fun!

Joe Hourigan, like many Irish men and women spent a number of years in New York, where he operated a horse and carriage in the Central Park locality. Joe, in From Grange to New York, tells some interesting tales. Joe's brother, Kevin, has given his life to the horse and carriage business, and he can still be found plying his trade in New York.

In From Beveridge to Bedlam, Patrick (Pat) Fitzgerald wrote a serious academic paper that will call for your utmost concentration and is a paper to be absorbed slowly. An enormous and impressive amount of research was carried out by Pat, as will be evident from the extensive bibliography.

The Wonders & Dangers of Poteen is an entertaining and informative article based upon a visit by an American journalist from The Wall Street Journal to Holycross to meet Michael Weekes.  The journalist, L Erik Calonius, subsequently wrote to Michael, about his visit. Erik published an article in which, inter alia, he waxed lyrical about his visit to the Lough Gur area and particularly his time spent with a local 'dairy farmer' and Michael, imbibing 'the hard stuff'.

Childbirth Through the Years by Frances O'Connell, a retired midwife and senior nurse manager (Regional Maternity Hospital, Limerick) is an engaging and entertaining account of childbirth over the years, of how practices have changed over time. Frances alludes to a number of 'deliveries' that she managed, certain to bring a smile to the reader's face.

Grange and the Universe by Tommy Hourigan was intended, in a light-hearted fashion, to position Grange within the vast Universe. The reader may encounter a number of interesting facts and perspectives.

The final article in the book is a list of Book Patrons, whose generous financial assistance made production and publication of the book possible. Grange Parish will be eternally grateful to them all.

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