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Grange Parish Blog

Events and Dates for the Grange Diary


Greeting to All,

The followings are Notices (3) of Upcoming Events organised by Grange Cross Residents Association (GCRA):


(1) Meeting of First Responders - Defibrillation

VENUE - Community Hall at the Old Schoolhouse, Grange

DATE - 1st (Monday) October, 2018, at 8 pm

A meeting of Volunteer First Responders will be held at the Grange Community Hall on 1st October. All First Responders are requested to attend.


(2) OPEN DAY at Grange Community Hall

VENUE - Community Hall at the Old Schoolhouse, Grange

DATE - 14th (Sunday) October, 2018, at 3 pm

The chairman, Kieran Hourigan, and his fellow GCRA Committee Members wish to cordially invite all members of the community with their families and friends to view and enjoy the new community hall in the refurbished old schoolhouse on 14th October. The hall is a testament to the trojan work led by Kieran Hourigan and his committee over the past five years and to the invaluable support, financial and otherwise, provided by community members and friends. The ongoing support of Limerick City and County Council is immense and appreciated.

Our fundraising ventures have been well supported. Consequently, Grange now has a community hall which is a credit to all involved and of which the community can be justifiably very proud.

So, please join us on the day for tea and buns and for the opportunity to view and, hopefully, admire the much improved interior of the hall and its exterior too. We look forward to seeing many of you at the event. Car parking will be available at the rear of the building.


(3) GCRA Annual Fundraising Dance in Association with Milford Hospice

VENUE - Kirby's Hunting Lodge

DATE - 10th (Saturday) November, 2018, at 9 pm

The (GCRA) Grange Parish Annual Dance, in association with Milford Hospice, will be held at Kirby's Hunting Lodge on Saturday, 10th November, 2018, at 9 pm. The night will feature the very-popular Ger Healy, The Singing Jarvey. There will be a raffle on the night. Tickets will be available at the door on the night and from GCRA Committee Members in the meantime.

Your continuing support will enable GCRA to continue works throughout the locality, including the continuing development and upkeep of our community hall. Please bring this notice to the attention of others.

Kindest Regards to All.

Miriam Gallagher,

Public Relations Officer,

Grange Cross Residents Association

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